

Page history last edited by Erica Hartman 14 years, 10 months ago

Project Participants


The folks listed below have agreed to participate in the project. If you want to be a part, add your name and info below! Once you add your information, I will send you an invite to the wiki so that you will be able to edit pages.


Use this format: Just add yours below the example!


*hint* to see this list a little more easily click the little arrow pointing to the right at the top of this page

or when editing click the four green arrows icon to edit in full screen to make it easier to see


School name:

Teacher name:

Teacher email:


Home page:

CrossRoads Middle School

Chris Craft

chris [at] christophercraft (dot) com

 Columbia, South Carolina, USA


Putauaki Primary e-Learners Team Jeanette Murphy jeanettem1@rocketmail.com Kawerau, North Island, New Zealand



Denton Avenue Elementary School- Global Awareness Club

Lisa Parisi

Tara Twitchell

lparisi at herricks dot org

ttwitchell at herricks dot org

Long Island, NY, USA http://dentonglobalawarenessclub.wikispaces.com/
ISB Bangkok
Grade 5 - Room 231
Chrissy Hellyer chrissyh [at] isb.ac.th Bangkok, Thailand



East and West Vincent Schools

Grades 3 and 4

Linda Nitsche

Erin VanGuilder



Spring City, PA, USA



Sheridan and Cherokee Elementary Schools

Grades 3 and 4

Fred Koch

fkoch [at] lfschools [dot] net

fskoch [at] gmail [dot] com

Lake Forest, IL, USA



St. Dominic's International School Ramona Dietrich rddietrich [at] yahoo (dot) com S. Domingos de Rana, Portugal  http://year8it.blogspot.com
Everitt Middle School Alison Saylor alison at heyalison dot com Wheat Ridge, Colorado USA http://heyalison.com and google doc websites 
Monroe Road Elementary School Cheryl Lykowski cheryl(dot)lykowski(at)bedford(dot)k12(dot)mi(dot)us Lambertville, Michigan http://mrslykowski.com 
Sparta Middle School Grade 6 Erica Hartman hartman19@gmail.com Sparta, NJ USA http://hartmanhoopla.blogspot.com
Sunset Ridge School Carol Broos beatechie@gmail.com Northfield, Illinois USA


West Tisbury School Valerie Becker vbecker AT mac.com Martha's Vineyard, MA


Yarmouth Elementary School

Grades 2, 3, 4

Cathy Wolinsky cathy_wolinsky [at] yarmouth.k12.me.us Yarmouth, ME, USA http://yes.yarmouth.k12.me.us/Pages/YSD_YESResource/index

O'Neill Public School

Katie Morrow teach42morrow@gmail.com O'Neill, NE, USA http://www.mrsmorrow.com
Elmwood Elementary School  Paul Uhler  uhlerp@epcusd401.org  Elmwood Park, IL, USA 


Roosevelt Intermediate School Pam Friedman


Westfield, NJ USA


John Mills Elementary School Lisa Berkery berkeryl@epcusd401.org Elmwood Park, IL   USA http://www.epcusd401.org/mills
Berwick Lodge Primary School Lois Smethurst loisath@gmail.com Berwick, Victoria, Australia http://www.berwicklodgeps.vic.edu.au
Seri Ampang Primary School Liza Che Teh norlizah@skseriampang.net Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia  
Middle Township Middle School Susan Ross/S. Pohle/J. Mendel rosss@middletwp.k12.nj.us Cape May Court House, NJ http://www.middletwp.k12.nj.us/
Hercules Middle High School Natalie Wojinski natalie.wojinski[at]gmail[dot]com

Hercules, CA, USA

Ocean Bay Middle School Cathy Hesselink chesselink@horrycountyschools.net Myrtle Beach, SC USA http://obmhcs.sharpschool.com/about_us/media_center/information_specialist/


Comments (2)

Cathy Hesselink said

at 3:41 pm on Mar 1, 2010

Ocean Bay Middle School Cathy Hesselink chesselink@horrycountyschools.net
We will be participating in the project this year! I have already been invited and started a page.

jcoppoletta@ccsd66.org said

at 10:55 am on Mar 4, 2010

Lakeview Jr. High School - Joy Coppoletta jcoppoletta@ccsd66.org

We're really excited to join this project!

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